What I live by

Today I wanted to do a short but sweet post. One thats an easy read whether your reading it on the way home from work, school, college on when your just chilling out.

We live in a big world and that big world is full of quotes in which people live, believe and follow. I am one of those people. ‘Live the life you dream of’ is my quote, I live by this. If theres one thing my parents taught me that would be it. Go out into the world and follow your dreams. Dream big! Dream bright! My dream is to run a dance business and I plan on doing that later this year!

Some other quotes I feel would be good to live by are:
‘Enjoy today, it won’t come back’ Leslie Gould
‘Be yourself, everyone else is taken’ Oscar Wilde
‘You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough’ Mae West
‘Do what you love, love what you do’ Ray Bradbury

Be happy, be inspired and live your life the best you can!

Yours truly

Sophie x