January Favourites

Soon its going to February and the first month of me blogging will be over and done with. I have to say I have loved every minute of it and loved the comments that you’ve left. It’s weird to think that so many people view and read my blog because to me I just write a load of crap! But from my stats, comments and likes its obvious you guys are enjoying it and thank you for reading! I hope you carry on doing so! 🙂

I have taken a leap from the Youtube world and decided to do a post on my January favourites. I will do a favourites post at the end of each month and update you on which beauty products, clothes, DVD’s, candles and games are my personal faves.

So first month first list, so here it goes!

Beauty Products


These are my favourite beauty products for this month, many of these I got for christmas.
-The brush I bought from boots for £9.99 and it’s amazing! It’s so soft (the bristles part) and is amazing for putting on powder.
– Hot chocolate lip balm – I got this from a friend for christmas and it’s amazing! It smells amazing, tastes amazing (FYI I haven’t eaten it, but it’s hard not to taste it when it’s on your lips!) It also makes your lips so soft and isn’t sticky!!
– Jack Wills Hand cream – Another christmas present, I have to say I don’t really like moisturising products but this hand cream is awesome! It has a weird smell to it but your hands are so soft after using it!
– Jack Wills Body wash – Again christmas present, but I love it. It lathers up well and you don’t need much to get every inch of your body. Another plus, it smells amazing!
– Juicy Couture Perfume – My mum got me this as a present from her holiday to Italy. This perfume is by far my favourite one, it smells great, lasts long and is irresistible!! Priced at £31.99 (Depending on which shop/ size)
Rimmel match perfection foundation – I normally use a maybelline foundation but I decided to branch out and choose a different product. I find this foundation perfect for my skiing. It smooths the uneven surfaces, not sticky and covers evenly. It’s just amazing. Priced at £9.99



As I am growing up and no longer want to have the look of a 15 year old girl, I decided to branch out and buy some stuff that I wouldn’t necessarily wear. Yet I love them. Some stuff however is still my style!
– Croquet Pink and White crop top – This top is from Topshop and I love It! It’s cute and simple and also grown up. I wouldn’t normally wear a top like this but I went out on a whim and bought it. My boyfriend likes it which is always a positive. It was on sale for £18.
– Hollister Jeggings – I bought these when I went to Manchester (The book signing, check out the post 😉 ) These were on sale of £29 and I love them! They’re great pants, nice and snug and a great colour.
– White fluffy socks – It’s that time of year were fluffy socks are definately needed. I love fluffy socks, I have a million pairs of fluffy socks and I wear them almost every day! You can find them everywhere around £4.



If you have been following my blog throughout this month, you will already know that I am in love with candles so I thought I would share my favourite scents of this month.
– Black plum blossom – I FREAKING LOVE THIS SCENT!! My grandma got me it for christmas, it’s a gorgeous fruity scent. It’s not too strong either!
– Honey and spice – My good pal Jujin got me it for my birthday and it smells amazing! It would be a candle I would burn on a cold winter nights with a hot cup of tea!
– Vanilla – The fancy jar on the right in the picture was a christmas present. I love the jar it cute and quant and very decorative! The vanilla candle is plain and simple.



Now I know what your thinking, teenage girl and gaming weird concoction but it is true. I love gaming and it’s a good past time! The games I picked for my January favourites came out a while back but I got them this month and started playing.
– The Last Of Us – this game is AMAZING!!! I haven’t finished the game yet but it’s so immersive and has an amazing story line. I have to admit I’ve got stuck on a few sections but with some perseverance I pulled through! I can’t wait to finish this game, but I’ll also be sad when it ends! Priced at £29.71
– Alice: Madness Returns – I saw some walkthrough’s for this game and I thought I would give it a go, it is actually a really good game. I love the story line and how they’ve incorporated the old school story of Alice in wonderland. Priced at £29.99



These two dvd’s have been the two films I have watched multiple times during the course of this month.
– The Guest – I saw this film last week and instantly fell in love with it. Yes I know it didn’t get good reviews and bombed at the box office but I love it. Priced at £10.99
– Guardians of the Galaxy – OF COURSE this one would be my favourite. If you’ve seen the post about my top 5 films you would understand why this is on here. The dancing, whitty banter and attractive male lead. Priced at £12.99

I know that some of my favourites aren’t the conventional ones you see on the Youtube videos but still, these are mine. I hope you enjoyed reading my favourites and carry on following my blog posts!! I also realise I said the word ‘love’ quite a lot but it’s the right choice for all these picks.

Yours truly

Sophie x

That time I tried photography

Everyone likes to think of themselves as photographers. Whether its taking a ‘selfie’ or a landscape picture for Instagram, we all think that we are the bee’s knee’s. We take something that isn’t interesting at all, find an obscure angle, stick a filter on it and voila professional photographer!! I would know because I do exactly the same thing… 😉

Although there are millions of people out there who are spectacular at photography and the product that comes out the other end shows it! (I’m totally jealous!) 

So today I thought I would share my attempt at photography! (Go on, have a good giggle! I know you want too! Maybe even go for a big belly laugh?) Hahaha.
So here they are:

10957976_10203741277798567_546095622_nA Walk in the park

10958212_10203741276838543_1404769474_n Sunset

10957961_10203741277198552_1693647741_n The London Eye

10954173_10203741277278554_1788819167_n Lake Windermere (The Lake District)

10947671_10203741276758541_1331992068_n Sun Flares

10945460_10203741277638563_1161044507_n A Rainy Day

10944070_10203741277518560_358306211_n That time I camped out

10942363_10203741276958546_541847669_n The Colosseum (When In Rome)

10937808_10203741277998572_1825928536_n Over The Tops

10934297_10203741277878569_1715106825_n A Silhouette of a House

I may laugh and joke about me trying to do photography, but I’m actually happy with the way they turned out. To say there done on an iPhone and not a professional camera with a million and one lenses I think they’re pretty good! Im an amateur and proud! 😉

They definitely went on Instagram!

Yours truly

Sophie x

All things Batman

In an earlier post I wrote about my unhealthy obsession with candles. (Go check it out 😉 )
Well, saying that, what I neglected to tell you is the unhealthy obsession continues…. with Batman!! I have everything you could possibly think of to do with batman. If I had enough money I would buy the Batmobile! (A girl can only wish to have that kinda cash!).

I have many of the Batman films, Including the 1966 Batman movie with Adam West (My latest and proudest buy) and of course the great and honourable Christopher Nolan movies. I also have lots of Batman clothing; leggings, jumpers, pyjamas, socks, knickers, T- shirts and a my awesome batman onsie! (I freaking love that onsie! – thanks Danny for the awesome christmas gift) As well as this for christmas I got a Macbook and I wanted to ‘pimp’ it out, so I looked and looked and finally found ‘the one’. (And I’m not talking about the boyfriend hahaha) I bought a Batman sticker. It looks awesome!

Last year my teachers even noticed that I loved Batman. My media teacher ended up calling me Batman because it was easier then Sophie.

10937286_10203728695604020_672800605_n 10949766_10203728754765499_566375948_n

10954181_10203728754605495_1807320532_n 10956072_10203728754965504_1481775744_n

What you have just seen is a selection of things that I have that feeds my obsession with Batman.

Short and sweet blog post today, and a little more of an insight into me! (Although you had no choice in it, Ha) Hope you enjoy.

Yours truly

Sophie x


Everyone’s life needs some hacking…

Today’s blog post was inspired by my dear step sister who is an avid Pinterest person. I don’t know why so many people like this site but its widely used. Anyway she showed me some things she had ‘pinned’ and it gave me an idea. Life hacks!

So I’m going to give you 15 cool life hacks that everyone needs to know!
One: Before you throw away a sticky note, use it to clean the crumbs and dust from in between the keys on your keyboard!
Two: Tie a small piece of coloured ribbon around the handle on your suitcase. It saves time finding your suitcase. (I do this one, its very handy!)
Three: Use a spring from an old pen to keep your charger from bending and breaking near the lightening connector/pin.
Four: Use a hanging shoe rack to store cleaning supplies and keep away from children.
Five: Freeze grapes to chill your wine without watering it down. (For all you alcoholics out their, I’m definitely going to use this one Hehehehe – not that I’m an alcoholic though!)
Six:To remove the stem from a strawberry use a straw.
Seven: Tie a tight leg over the end of a vacuum it picks up little things like ear rings.
Eight: Use a hair clip to organise wires. For example clip your headphone wires together to stop them from tangling.
Nine: Rub a stuck zipper with a graphite pencil to fix them.
Ten: Rub a walnut on damaged wooden furniture to cover up dings.
Eleven: Light a dry spaghetti stick to get them hard to reach candles, it stops you from burning yourself! (Wish I had known this earlier, I wouldn’t of burnt myself as much)
Twelve: Tie a knot in the left (or right, which ever one tickles your fancy) headphone wire so you know instantly that It’s the right one.
Thirteen: Place a rubber band over an open paint can, to wipe your brush on and keep paint of the side of the can.
Fourteen: Doritos are good for kindling if you can’t find any. (Such a waste! Om nom nom nom)
Fifteen: For people who use there phone to watch things often on and are tired of leaning it onto something where it will fall down after a while: Use your sunglasses!!

Well there you go 15 life hacks that will definitely come in handy! Try some out, I know I will be!

Yours truly

Sophie x

There’s a first for everything

Life is full of firsts. Today could be your day for firsts, for example; Today could be your first time riding a bike without the stabilisers, first time driving a car or even your first date. 😉

Today was full of firsts for me!

Today I went on a trip to merry old Manchester with my friend Rhi. We went to one of her favourite YouTuber’s book signing. It was a first for me because I have never been to a book signing or even met a youtuber.

We got to manchester around 4:30 and did some shopping! Wouldn’t dare miss a chance to pop into my favourite shop Hollister. (especially with a sale)


After that we decided to go for some food. We stopped at subway and I bought myself a 12inch Italian with ham and cheese + salad. It was delicious!!!! (Never eaten a sandwich so fast in my life!)


After that we shuffled on over to Waterstones and sat outside the shop as they ‘cut’ the queue. Then I began to wonder what was in store for me and my pal. Turns out it was 4 FREAKING HOURS OF WAITING IN A QUEUE THAT ONLY MOVED CENTIMETRES AT A TIME!! (As you can tell I wasn’t pleased) But being the good friend I am I stuck it out.

(Sexy picture of me and Rhi ^)

I’m not joking when I say this queue was huge!!!!!!!!!


But the good thing about it was the people you meet during the tedious queue waiting. We met two people who were absolutely hilarious and made the 4 hours zoooooom by.
All in all Rhi met her youtuber, got her booked signed and got some awesome selfies! I got chronic back pain and a burnt tongue from my steaming hot Costa, but what are friends for! (I did have a good day hanging out though)

Hope you had some cool ‘firsts’ today!!

Yours truly
Sophie x

New favourite film!

On Monday I made a list of my 5 top favourite films. I have just witnessed the greatest film ever made that may trump most of the ones on that list!

This film didn’t recieve the best reviews ever, it only scored a 6.7/10 on IMDB and got some low scores on fan made reviews but I however loved this film! I was fixed from the start and throughout! I was mesmerised by the sexy lead role (very pleasing too the eye 😉 ) who took badass to a whole new level and I loved it!!

This film is The Guest! (2014)


The story line is amazing, the characters are awesome. Sexy badass lead role with beautiful blue eyes, whimpy bullied kid and goph teenage girl! I love the way he helps the characters in individual way even though he destroys everything in his wake!

My Favourite part is at the end when ‘David’ puts on the soundtrack and he goes after the children and the military officer! (Oooopppsss spoilers 😉 )

The ending has an awesome twist, just as your about to think that the whimpy teenage boy could take down a badass military operative you are given this twist and he walks out in disguise! LOVE IT!! I loved it so much I immediately re-watched it after it had finished!!

What would be even better is if they made a book of this film where it gave you the ins and outs of this guys mind as well as his background! That would be a good read!! (Geeky I know but I do love to read)

I would say that this film would take over a spot in my top five favourite films and replace ‘monster in Paris’. I am fan Girling just like I did for the ward!!

You should give it a watch seriously!!!

Your truly
Sophie x

My top 5 films.

I love to watch movies! I’m always watching something, whether its at home or in the cinema, your guaranteed to find me sitting on my couch, slouched back with a blanket and a film. So I thought I would give you a list of my 5 favourite films of all time! (BEWARE: SOME SPOILERS!!)

Number 1. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Running time: 121minutes.
When Danny told me that we was going to see this movie I was skeptical, purely because it wasn’t my kind of film but I loved this film! It had everything you could possibly want; whitty banter, good action scenes, fast paced story line, good cast. I also loved the fact that they incorporated and awesome soundtrack and added some comical dancing!! My favourite part was right at the end where Starlord(Chris Pratt) was dancing to distract the bad guy then ask’s the green women to join him, she declines and he says my favourite line ‘Subtle, take it back’ and carry’s on dancing! Hilarious!!
Seriously go check it out!

Number 2. Hotel Transylvania (2012)
Running time: 91minutes
HT - poster
This is one of my guilty pleasure films, I say this because I am 19 and this is a ‘kiddies’ film so I shouldn’t watch so childish things. (Although I like to think i’m still a little kid) Nevertheless I really enjoyed this film. Adam Sandler makes a good Dracula. I love his films they always make me laugh! I really love the ending song in this film, so much so that I know every single word to it!! (I know, you can say it, I’m a weirdo!) If your needing a cheering up or you just feel like being a kid for a couple of hours you should defiantly crack this film on!

Number 3. The Prestige (2006)
Running time: 130minutes
Danny made me watch this film one time with him and since then I’ve watched it like 15 times!! I love this film, literally the best (and only) magician film i’ve seen! It really makes you think, it draws you in and mind fucks you! (pardon my french!) Also it has three very very sexy actors/ actress in it! Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale and Scarlett Johansson are three very talented people! 😉 I’m not going to say any more about this film apart from you MUST watch it!!!!

Number 4. Monster In Paris (2011)
Running time: 90minutes
I first watched this with my step sister as a ‘girly night in’, we had the full works, chocolate, face masks and a film! It is also another guilty pleasure (again raising the question of my age). I have to say I love this cheeky little film, with its cute songs and funny plot. It’s amazing how imaginative people can be. Imagine being sat in that board room and someone saying to you, ‘picture this, a man goes to a scientists place with his pet monkey and then boom, potions get mixed together and everything goes mental. The result of it is a singing, dancing, guitar playing flea that captures an audiences heart!’. HA! This is a good film to lay back and chill out with. Always good for a little giggle.

Number 5. John Carpenters: The ward (2010)
Running time: 89minutes.
TW poster
I FREAKING LOVE THIS FILM!!!!!!!!!!! (lots of exclamation marks needed for this one) I love the horror genre and this movie for me is my favourite one of all of them. It has an amazing plot line, with quirky characters and an amazing twist at the end!! I fan girled so much over this film I had to show it to my friend, Jujin (who is also a fellow fan of the horror genre) and he also fan girled for months over this! No spoilers going to be given here because it’s too good to give away! GO SEE IT, BUY IT, WATCH IT!!!! 

A few honourable mentions!
Pride and Prejudice (2005)

Interstellar (2014)

Insidious (2010)
insidious poster

Well there you go, my top 5 favourite films as well as some honourable mentions that would’ve made it too the list if I allowed extra places!! I think you should go check out these films, seriously, there all awesome in individual ways!

Yours truly

Sophie x

The challenge

I have a bucket list (I know it’s weird because I’m young) but on that list I have things that I want to achieve throughout my life. So far I have ticked of 8 things!

One thing amongst many that I would like to tick of my list this year is to read 100 books by New Years! Now that in itself is a challenge. I did a little maths (don’t laugh if it’s wrong, I ain’t good with maths) but I worked out that I had to read 3 books a week in order to complete this challenge.

I think that it’s good to challenge yourself throughout your life. The saying ‘YOLO‘ is right, You do only live once. So why not do that! Challenge yourself!

Challenge yourself to loose that extra bit of weight. Challenge yourself to give up that chocolate. Challenge yourself to say something positive everyday! So that is exactly what I’m doing!

So far in my challenge I have only read 3. (Yes I am behind)

But I will do it! I WILL!!

So at the end of each month I will update you lovely people with my progress! I will also give you the name and author of my favourite book that month!!

Yours truly
Sophie x

My signature Butterfly buns



I have been told that my buns are great! (Pardon the pun) I have also been told that they are the best in the world! (Okay maybe a slight over exaggeration but to be fair it was my mother) But to this I say I agree! They are light and fluffy and are delicious! So I have decided to share my talent of brilliant bun baking (oh yeah I just did that – Alliteration 😉 ) and give you the recipe I use, which of course is the basic bero book recipe!

A recipe for butterfly buns:

– 4oz of SugarIMG_7636
– 4oz of Self raising flour
– 4oz  of Margarine/ butter.
– 2 medium eggs

– Medium sized bowl
-Weighing Scales
-Bun tray
-Bun cases

Pre heat over too: Fan over 190 Degrees and Gas mark 5

Step 1.
Weigh out 4oz of margarine into a medium sized bowl then weigh out 4oz of sugar and add to the same bowl.
Step 2.
Mix together the two ingredients, I find folding the ingredients together is better (You can use an electric whisk, I just choose not too)
Step 3.
Once the sugar and margarine is mixed together, weigh out 4oz of your self raising flour and add to the mixture.
Step 4.
Crack two medium sized eggs into the sugar, margarine and flour mix. Then mix ingredients together. (Again you can use an electric whisk, if you do use a spoon fold ingredients together to add extra air).

Step 5.
Add mixture into the bun cases, in the bun tin. Make sure each bun case as the same amount of mixture. Then put into the oven for about 14-15 minutes. (Do check around 12-13 minutes to see if cooked)

Step 6.
Once buns are cooked take out of oven and leave to cool.

Don’t forget to wash up as you go! Especially don’t forget to do the pre wash!! (Which is were you eat he left over mixture from the bowl – I know its bad for you but really, WHO CARES!!)

Now it’s time for the decorating!!!!! 
I have gone with a simple buttercream mixture, but you can add any extra’s like chocolate, food colouring and also flavouring.

5oz of Margarine
– 10oz of Icing sugar
-1-2tbsp of Milk

Measuring scales
– Medium Bowl
– Spoon

Step 1.
Weigh out 5oz of margarine and add to medium sized bowl.
Step 2. 
Weigh out 10oz of Icing sugar and add to medium sized bowl.
Step 3.
Mix the margarine and icing sugar together until its smooth.
Step 4.
Add 1-2 tbsp of milk (if needed) and mix.
Step 5. 
cut out round holes in buns, making sure you don’t do it all the way to the bottom.
Step 6.
Add buttercream filling.IMG_7654
Step 7.
Cut top of bun (that you cut out) in half, to make he wings.
Step 8.
Add wings on top of buttercream.

And voilà!!

Hope you enjoy the fairy cakes!

Yours truly

Sophie x

Shameless self promotion… Sort of!

As you can probably tell from the title of this blog post, I am going to be shamelessly self promote. BUT not for this blog (although It would be nice if you shared my blog about) hehe cheeky! Nope this self promotion is for the dear old boyfriend!

My boyfriend is a Youtuber! (people who put videos on the internet!)

To begin with Danny denied to tell me the fact that he had started a Youtube channel and to start with I was rather hurt, but being the way I am I didn’t tell him this (although now he knows because he is reading this! oooopppppsss sorry Danny! ). Putting that emotion aside I did my bit and supported him throughout!  I’ve watched his videos, listened to him shout random things, talk about poop, boobs and killing things and now the time has finally come for me to make my DEBUT! Yes I am in a Youtube Video, but not just one, hopefully a whole series and many others! (wink wink – Danny!)

The video series which I am currently involved in a podcast called ‘Let’s talk about that’ where we talk about subjects that his subscribers or our fellow family and friends have given in!

I for one really enjoyed recording these videos for many reasons;
1. I am a Youtuber ‘whore’ and spend many of my days watching my favourite Youtubers, so recording a video and realising it, is like a dream come true.
2. I feel a sense of achievement as I am helping Danny’s hobby become real
3. It’s just fun to do.
4.I get to spend that extra amount of time with Danny (Cheesy I Know)

Anyway his channel is called Danifye, please do go check it out!!

Screen Shot 2015-01-13 at 19.34.48

You are garanteed good quality videos and a good laugh and giggle! Maybe even a slight tear! Don’t forget to Subscribe, leave a comment and hit that like button to show your appreciation. He really does put a lot of time and effort into his video!

The link to his channel:http://goo.gl/FhF4Za
Let’s talk about that! :http://youtu.be/RBfDF0Kxaes?a

I’d like to thank everyone for reading my rambling posts and leaving such lovely comments! I am really enjoying this blog stuff.

Yours truly

Sophie x