My top 5 films.

I love to watch movies! I’m always watching something, whether its at home or in the cinema, your guaranteed to find me sitting on my couch, slouched back with a blanket and a film. So I thought I would give you a list of my 5 favourite films of all time! (BEWARE: SOME SPOILERS!!)

Number 1. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Running time: 121minutes.
When Danny told me that we was going to see this movie I was skeptical, purely because it wasn’t my kind of film but I loved this film! It had everything you could possibly want; whitty banter, good action scenes, fast paced story line, good cast. I also loved the fact that they incorporated and awesome soundtrack and added some comical dancing!! My favourite part was right at the end where Starlord(Chris Pratt) was dancing to distract the bad guy then ask’s the green women to join him, she declines and he says my favourite line ‘Subtle, take it back’ and carry’s on dancing! Hilarious!!
Seriously go check it out!

Number 2. Hotel Transylvania (2012)
Running time: 91minutes
HT - poster
This is one of my guilty pleasure films, I say this because I am 19 and this is a ‘kiddies’ film so I shouldn’t watch so childish things. (Although I like to think i’m still a little kid) Nevertheless I really enjoyed this film. Adam Sandler makes a good Dracula. I love his films they always make me laugh! I really love the ending song in this film, so much so that I know every single word to it!! (I know, you can say it, I’m a weirdo!) If your needing a cheering up or you just feel like being a kid for a couple of hours you should defiantly crack this film on!

Number 3. The Prestige (2006)
Running time: 130minutes
Danny made me watch this film one time with him and since then I’ve watched it like 15 times!! I love this film, literally the best (and only) magician film i’ve seen! It really makes you think, it draws you in and mind fucks you! (pardon my french!) Also it has three very very sexy actors/ actress in it! Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale and Scarlett Johansson are three very talented people! 😉 I’m not going to say any more about this film apart from you MUST watch it!!!!

Number 4. Monster In Paris (2011)
Running time: 90minutes
I first watched this with my step sister as a ‘girly night in’, we had the full works, chocolate, face masks and a film! It is also another guilty pleasure (again raising the question of my age). I have to say I love this cheeky little film, with its cute songs and funny plot. It’s amazing how imaginative people can be. Imagine being sat in that board room and someone saying to you, ‘picture this, a man goes to a scientists place with his pet monkey and then boom, potions get mixed together and everything goes mental. The result of it is a singing, dancing, guitar playing flea that captures an audiences heart!’. HA! This is a good film to lay back and chill out with. Always good for a little giggle.

Number 5. John Carpenters: The ward (2010)
Running time: 89minutes.
TW poster
I FREAKING LOVE THIS FILM!!!!!!!!!!! (lots of exclamation marks needed for this one) I love the horror genre and this movie for me is my favourite one of all of them. It has an amazing plot line, with quirky characters and an amazing twist at the end!! I fan girled so much over this film I had to show it to my friend, Jujin (who is also a fellow fan of the horror genre) and he also fan girled for months over this! No spoilers going to be given here because it’s too good to give away! GO SEE IT, BUY IT, WATCH IT!!!! 

A few honourable mentions!
Pride and Prejudice (2005)

Interstellar (2014)

Insidious (2010)
insidious poster

Well there you go, my top 5 favourite films as well as some honourable mentions that would’ve made it too the list if I allowed extra places!! I think you should go check out these films, seriously, there all awesome in individual ways!

Yours truly

Sophie x

10 thoughts on “My top 5 films.

  1. danifye says:

    The Dark Knight
    District 9
    Casino Royale
    Return of the King
    Toy Story 3
    Die Hard With A Vengeance
    The Incredibles
    Back to the Future
    The Prestige

    Because top 5’s are impossible!


  2. rarehorror says:

    I think The Prestige would make my top 5 also. The Ward is an interesting choice — people seem to either love or hate it. Personally, I prefer Insanitarium (2008), which isn’t very highly regarded by most either 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. John Sorensen says:

    (current) TOP 5 FILMS

    1.DRIVE – “You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window”

    2.DAS BOOT – “They made us all train for this day. “To be fearless and proud and alone. To need no one, just sacrifice. All for the Fatherland.” Oh God, all just empty words. It’s not the way they said it was, is it? I just want someone to be with. The only thing I feel is afraid.”

    3.THE BIG LEBOWSKI – “That rug really tied the room together…man”

    4.THE THING – “Somebody in this camp ain’t what he appears to be. Right now that may be one or two of us. By spring, it could be all of us.”

    5. INCEPTION – “I’ve come back for you… to remind you of something. Something you once knew..”

    Also, Craig is the best Bond after Connery, that is all:

    “Shaken or stirred Mr Bond?”

    “Do I look like I give a damn!”

    Liked by 1 person

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